Kara no Shoujo [MangaGamer][Eroge][Inglés][Sin Censura][Mega]



Kara no Shoujo


La historia se ubica 10 años de finalizada la segunda guerra mundial. En donde el investigador privado Tokisaka Reiji es contactado en un parque por una misteriosa chica la cual le encarga un trabajo, “Quiero que busques a alguien, Yo, a mi verdadero ser”.
Al mismo tiempo el Detective Uozumi Kyozo, un viejo amigo, le pide ayuda en la investigación de unos crímenes truculentos que están dando lugar en la ciudad, la cual tienen un extraño parecido a unos asesinatos ocurridos hace 4 años atrás.
Y como si esto fuese poco, la Directora Saeki Tokio de la Academia Femenina Ouba, la cual la hermana menor de Reiji asiste, le pide que investigue la extraña desaparición de 2 alumnas.
Reiji se infiltra en la institución como profesor substituto para poder llevar a cabo su investigación. Con 3 casos en su mano y el reencuentro con la chica misteriosa, su primer cliente, las seguidillas de asesinatos incesantes van a hacer que este no sea algo fácil para Reiji.
¿Estarán los 3 casos conectados de alguna manera? ¿Cuál será la llave que devele el misterio?
al descomprimirlas con Winrar obtendrán una carpeta “Kara no Shoujo (Fully Voiced) [English Version]” que contiene el juego ya instalado y crackeado, no hace falta más nada. Para jugar simplemente ejecutan karanoshojo.exe y a disfrutar!
Detalle: esta versión del juego ya trae el Voice Patch!! Es decir que tiene las voces de la versión japonesa.


[wpspoiler name=”Toca aquí para ver el walkthrough de Kara no Shoujo en inglés” ]Signs:
▲ = Date
◆ = Interactive element
★ = Non-essential choice as the other option is also available by replaying the eroscene via the Gallery’s scene recollection option and neither choices bear any consequence at all in later events.

First playthrough

▲March 5
◆Investigation part
Within the cemetery x2
Inside the hole x2
◆Evidence selection
Tama Cemetery corpse – Crime scene status
◆Evidence selection
Tama Cemetery corpse – Corpse scene status
Inokashira Park
Call out to her.
Moon World
【Save 1】
Call for Kyoko
▲March 6
◆Person selection
Imamura Haruka
◆Evidence selection
Black cloth
▲March 7
◆Investigation part
Chest of the guy lying on the table x2
▲March 8
Is it a landscape?
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Call out to her.
Moon World
Stay at home and read.
▲March 9
【Save 2】
Ambush her at the entrance.
Inokashira Park
Ask her.
Takashiro Hospital
▲March 10
No problem.
Tell the truth.
Inokashira Park
Shinjuku Station
▲March 12
◆Investigation part
Examine the corpse and zoom
Back x2
Belly x2
Face x2
Leave it to the forensics team.
◆Person selection
Nishizono Yui
◆Evidence selection
Black Cloth
◆Evidence selection
The Black Madonna
Inokashira Park
A play.
Takashiro Hospital
Dante’s “Divine Comedy”
The maggots crawling on it.
▲March 13
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
Don’t ask anything.
▲March 14
Moon World
Inokashira Park
Get it by force.
▲March 15
★Cum in her mouth. / Cum on her face.
Bad ending

From Save 2

▲March 9
Ask Yukari.
Faculty room.
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲March 10
Depends on the situation.
Try to cover it up somehow.
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Ask about it.
Shinjuku Station
▲March 12
◆Investigation part
Examine the corpse and zoom
Back x2
Belly x2
Face x2
Make my own specifications.
◆Person selection
Nishizono Yui
Yosomiya Tsuzuriko
Sato Ayumu
◆Person selection
Nishizono Yui
◆Evidence selection
Black Cloth
◆Evidence selection
The Black Madonna
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Takashiro Hospital
Dante’s “Divine Comedy”
The maggots crawling on it.
▲March 13
Takashiro Hospital
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲March 14
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Call out to her.
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
Ask Tojiko to do it.
▲March 15
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
▲March 16
◆Investigation part
Corpse and then zoom
Skirt x2, find scrap of something
Mouth x2
◆Investigation part
Right shelf x2
◆Evidence selection
Nishizono Yui’s photograph
◆Person selection
Nishizono Yui
◆Person selection
Kusaka Tatsuhiko
Moon World
Do as she says and wait here.
Inokashira Park
▲March 17
◆Evidence selection
The Egg of Neanis
◆Person selection
Nishizono Yui
They’re members of Schisma.
Prostitution ring.
◆Person selection
Tsukishima Orihime
The Divine Comedy.
◆Person selection
Kusaka Tatsuhiko
◆Evidence selection
A torn-off scrap of something
Go talk with Kusaka at his home.
Call for a taxi.
◆Investigation part
The small notebook on top of the second shelf from the bottom
Go to Ueno.
▲March 29
【Save 3】
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
▲March 30
Chase after her.
Go home.
Takashiro Hospital
Shinjuku Station
▲March 31
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Takashiro Hospital
▲April 1
【Save 4】
Wait in the infirmary.
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
Takashiro Hospital
▲April 2
Ask about her phone call.
Moon World
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
▲April 4
Call out to him.
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
▲April 5
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Takashiro Hospital
▲April 6
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
Shinjuku Station
Takashiro Detective Agency
▲April 7
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Moon World
▲April 8
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Ueno Station
Go to Inokashira Park.
▲April 10
Yes, they are.
◆Evidence selection
Choose an evidence randomly.
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Shinjuku Station
▲April 11
【Save 5】
Chase after Toko.
Bad ending

From Save 5

▲April 11
Don’t chase after Toko.
The classroom.
The schoolyard.
▲April 12
◆Investigation part
Bookshelf x2
Bookshelf on top of the desk
They’re the work of a single person.
Only the four limbs were disposed of.
Yes, it is.
◆Person selection
Akazaki Nene
▲April 13
★Cum on her face. / Cum in her mouth.
Bad ending

From Save 4

▲April 1
Help Tojiko.
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Shinjuku Station
▲April 2
Ask about the documents.
Moon World
Shinjuku Station
▲April 3日
Sleep with her.
★Lay her on the floor. / Sit on the sofa.
Scene collection

From Save 3

▲March 29
Shinjuku Station
Don’t open it.
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲March 30
Don’t interfere.
Look around a bit more.
Moon World
Takashiro Hospital
▲March 31
Shinjuku Station
Moon World
▲April 1
Help Yukari.
Inokashira Park
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲April 2
Don’t ask anything.
Moon World
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲April 4
Leave him be.
Eat it.
Moon World
▲April 5
Moon World
I can’t do that.
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲April 6
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
Shinjuku Station
Takashiro Detective Agency
▲April 7
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
Shinjuku Station
▲April 8
Moon World
Takashiro Hospital
Go to Moon World.
▲April 10
No, they aren’t.
◆Evidence selection
Corpse disposal method
Moon World
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲April 11
The classroom.
The schoolyard.
▲April 12
◆Investigation part
Bookshelf on top of the desk
Bookshelf x2
Bookshelf (Katsuragi Shin’s photograph)
They’re the work of a single person.
Only the four limbs were disposed of.
Yes, it is.
◆Person selection
Mamiya Shinji
◆Evidence selection
Katsuragi Shin’s photograph
Mamiya Shinzo’s atelier
▲April 13
◆Person selection
Linen room.
◆Person selection
Murase Naoki
◆Person selection
Akazaki Nene
◆Investigation part
Kitchen knife on the ground x2
Lamp cord x2
Examine the corpse and zoom
Face x2
Back of the neck x2
Body x2
◆Investigation part
Drawer on the left side of the desk
Center drawer of the desk
Drawer on the right side of the desk
Manuscript on top of the desk
Books on top of the desk
【Save 6】
Between the books on top of the desk (picture postcard)
Drawer beneath the bookshelf
【Save 7】 (Will be used twice.)
Work together with Yaginuma.
Ending 1

From Save 7

▲April 13
Work on my own.
Search for Toko.
Ending 2

From Save 7

▲April 13
Work on my own.
Head to Kurashiki.
▲April 14
Answer honestly.
▲April 16
◆Person selection
Mamiya Shinji
Ending 3

From Save 6

▲April 13
◆Investigation part
Drawer beneath the bookshelf
Work on my own.
Head to Kurashiki.
▲April 14
Tell a lie.
▲April 16
◆Person selection
Mamiya Shinji
▲April 17
Her eyes.
It’s just my imagination.
◆Person selection
Every doctor
◆Person selection
Tamaki Saito
▲April 18
Don’t pull the trigger.
Ending 4

Second playthrough

From Save 1

▲March 5
Call for Hatsune.
▲March 6
◆Person selection
Imamura Haruka
◆Evidence selection
Black Cloth
▲March 7
◆Investigation part
Chest of the guy lying on the table x2
▲March 8
What are you drawing?
Inokashira Park
What do you feel when you draw?
Takashiro Hospital
Tell him yourself.
Inokashira Park.
▲March 9
Pretend I’m returning something she dropped.
History prep room.
Don’t go.
Moon World
Get her to replace it.
Takashiro Hospital
★Cum in her mouth. / Cum on her face.
▲March 10
I’m busy.
Try to cover it up somehow.
Moon World
Help her out.
Takashiro Hospital
I’m scared, but I want to hear about it.
▲March 12
◆Investigation part
Examine the corpse and zoom
Back x2
Belly x2
Face x2
Make my own specifications.
◆Person selection
Amemiya Hatsune
Nishizono Yui
Takashiro Kazuna
◆Person selection
Nishizono Yui
◆Evidence selection
Black Cloth
◆Evidence selection
The Black Madonna
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Moon World
Deliver the coffee.
Dante’s “Divine Comedy”
The maggots crawling on it.
▲March 13
Moon World
Accept her offer.
Shinjuku Station
▲March 14
Moon World
Takashiro Hospital
Go inside.
Ask Vice-Prinipal Saeki to do it.
▲March 15
Moon World
Takashiro Hospital
▲March 16
◆Investigation part
Corpse and then zoom
Skirt x2, find scrap of something
Mouth x2
◆Investigation part
Right shelf x2
◆Evidence selection
Nishizono Yui’s photograph
◆Person selection
Nishizono Yui
◆Person selection
Katsuragi Shin
【Save 8】
Moon World
I’ll go search for her.
Shinjuku Station
▲March 17
◆Evidence selection
The Egg of Neanis
◆Person selection
Imamura Haruka
They’re members of Schisma.
Criminal organization.
◆Person selection
Tsukishima Orihime
A bizarre dismemberment case.
◆Person selection
Kusaka Tatsuhiko
◆Evidence selection
A torn-off scrap of something
Go talk with Kusaka at his home.
【Save 9】
Call for a patrol car.
▲March 19
Shakujii Park : Sanboji Pond
Keep waiting until Uozumi gets here.
Bad ending

From Save 9

▲March 17
Call for a taxi.
◆Investigation part
The small notebook on top of the second shelf from the bottom
Chase after Kusaka.
▲March 29
Moon World
Take a peek at her sleeping face.
Takashiro Hospital
▲March 30
Chase after her.
Go home.
Moon World
Accept them gladly.
Takashiro Hospital
▲March 31
Moon World
★Cum in her mouth. / Cum on her face.
★Cum inside her. / Cum outside her.
▲April 1
Help Yukari.
Moon World
Eat it.
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
▲April 2
Ask about the documents.
Moon World
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
▲April 4
Call out to him.
Eat it.
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
▲April 5
Moon World
All right.
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
▲April 6
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
Shinjuku Station
Takashiro Detective Agency
▲April 7
Moon World
Inokashira Park
▲April 8
Shinjuku Station
Ueno Station
Go to Moon World.
▲April 10
I have no idea.
◆Evidence selection
Choose an evidence randomly.
Moon World
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲April 11
The classroom.
The schoolyard.
▲April 12
◆Investigation part
Bookshelf on top of the desk
Bookshelf x2
Bookshelf (Katsuragi Shin’s photograph)
They’re the work of a single person.
Only the four limbs were disposed of.
Yes, it is.
◆Person selection
Mamiya Shinji
◆Evidence selection
Katsuragi Shin’s photograph
Mamiya Shinzo’s atelier
▲April 13
◆Person selection
Linen room.
◆Person selection
Tamaki Saito
Murase Naoki
◆Person selection
Akazaki Nene
◆Investigation part
Kitchen knife on the ground x2
Lamp cord x2
Examine the corpse and zoom
Face x2
Back of the neck x2
Body x2
◆Investigation part
Drawer on the left side of the desk
Center drawer of the desk
Drawer on the right side of the desk
Manuscript on top of the desk
Books on top of the desk
Drawer beneath the bookshelf
Work on my own.
Head to Kurashiki.
▲April 14
Answer honestly.
▲April 16
◆Person selection
Mamiya Shinji
▲April 17
Her eyes.
They’re twins.
◆Person selection
◆Person selection
Tamaki Saito
▲April 18
Don’t pull the trigger.
Ending CGs to be collected

From Save 8

▲March 16
Ouba Private Girls Academy
That’s not it.
Takashiro Hospital
▲March 17
Make love to Toko.
◆Evidence selection
The Egg of Neanis
◆Person selection
Nishizono Yui
They’re members of Schisma.
Prostitution ring.
◆Person selection
Tsukishima Orihime
The Egg of Neanis.
◆Person selection
Kusaka Tatsuhiko
◆Evidence selection
A torn-off scrap of something
Go talk with Kusaka at his home.
Call for a taxi.
◆Investigation part
The small notebook on top of the second shelf from the bottom
Chase after Kusaka.
▲March 26
★Cum inside her. / Cum outside her.
▲March 29
Takashiro Hospital
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲March 30
Don’t interfere.
Look around a bit more.
Inokashira Park
Shinjuku Station
▲March 31
Inokashira Park
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲April 1
Help Toko.
Takashiro Hospital
Shinjuku Station
▲April 2
Don’t ask anything.
Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute
Takashiro Hospital
▲April 4
Leave him be.
Inokashira Park
Takashiro Hospital
▲April 5
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Takashiro Hospital
▲April 6
Ouba Private Girls Academy
Inokashira Park
Shinjuku Station
Takashiro Detective Agency
▲April 7
Inokashira Park
Takashiro Hospital
▲April 8
Takashiro Hospital
Ueno Station
Go to Inokashira Park.
▲April 10
No, they aren’t.
◆Evidence selection
Corpse disposal method
Takashiro Hospital
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
▲April 11
The art room.
The classroom.
The schoolyard.
▲April 12
◆Investigation part
Bookshelf on top of the desk
Bookshelf x2
Bookshelf (Katsuragi Shin’s photograph)
They’re the work of a single person.
Only the four limbs were disposed of.
Yes, it is.
◆Person selection
Mamiya Shinji
◆Evidence selection
Katsuragi Shin’s photograph
Mamiya Shinzo’s atelier
▲April 13
◆Person selection
Linen room.
◆Person selection
Murase Naoki
◆Person selection
Akazaki Nene
◆Investigation part
Kitchen knife on the ground x2
Lamp cord x2
Examine the corpse and zoom
Face x2
Back of the neck x2
Body x2
◆Investigation part
Drawer on the left side of the desk
Center drawer of the desk
Drawer on the right side of the desk
Manuscript on top of the desk
Books on top of the desk
Drawer beneath the bookshelf
Work on my own.
Head to Kurashiki.
▲April 14
Answer honestly.
▲April 16
◆Person selection
Mamiya Shinji
▲April 17
Her eyes.
They’re sisters.
◆Person selection
Every doctor
◆Person selection
Tamaki Saito
▲April 18
Don’t pull the trigger.
Go take a look.
True Ending[/wpspoiler]









Título: Kara no Shoujo
De: Noesis, MangaGamer
Tipo: Eroge
Géneros: VN, ADV, Detective, Drama, Oral Sex, Paizuri
Idioma: Inglés
Peso: 1,06 giga
Duración: 10 a 30 horas aproximadamente.
Formato: exe
Censura: No
Uploader: Bunnygirl
Contraseña: colitahentai



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